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Process & Engineering Capabilities

We do one thing. And we do it well. At PPC, we’re dedicated exclusively to close tolerance precision machining. We select equipment and train our staff with this single focus in mind. As a result, we’re able to hold your most difficult tolerance requirements - during short and long runs.mill.jpg (12600 bytes)
PPC capabilities include milling, drilling, turning, boring, grinding, deburring, cleaning, and when needed, we polish parts for an aesthetically pleasing appearance. In addition, we offer other services such as painting, silkscreening, heat treating and various types of testing.

Our engineers are experts in the field and are always willing to review your design to improve manufacturing efficiencies without jeopardizing the integrity of the product. Upon receipt of your job, an engineer will thoroughly review your prints and specifications to determine the most economical method of producing your part. Our CAD/CAM systems are state of the art equipment and our engineers are very competent in their operation.
These systems provide complete design and programming capabilities. Some of the features include graphic on-line tool path confirmation, as well as the ability to produce CNC programs. PPC’s CAD/CAM capabilities are constantly being updated to maintain current technology standards and compatibility. We routinely exchange drawings and specifications via high speed data transfer. PPC is capable of transferring data directly or through translators such as IGES and DXF. To ensure the integrity of our CNC programs, we use a state of the art DNC (Direct Numerical Control) system. This network provides maximum efficiency in program storage and handling. Because of these engineering services and the careful preparation and planning out into manufacturing each part, customers continue to return to PPC.

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